Enquiry for Enrolment Enquiry for Enrolment Name of Parent/Responsible Person* Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Middle Last Name of Partner Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Middle Last Number of Children to enrolOneTwoThreeFirst Child DetailsFirst Child's Name* First Middle Last First Child Starting Year*Pre-KindyKindyPre-PrimaryYr OneYr TwoYr ThreeYr FourYr FiveYr SixFirst Child Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY First Child Gender (M/F)* Male Female Second Child DetailsSecond Child's Name First Middle Last Second Child Starting YearPre-KindyKindyPre-PrimaryYr OneYr TwoYr ThreeYr FourYr FiveYr SixSecond Child Date of Birth DD slash MM slash YYYY Second Child Gender (M/F) Male Female Third Child DetailsThird Child's Name First Middle Last Third Child Starting YearPre-KindyKindyPre-PrimaryYr OneYr TwoYr ThreeYr FourYr FiveYr SixThird Child Date of Birth DD slash MM slash YYYY Third Child Gender (M/F) Male Female Family DetailsResidential Address* Street Address Address Line 2 Suburb Post Code Postal Address Same as Residential Different to Residential Postal Address* Street Address Address Line 2 Suburb Post Code Home/Primary Phone*Work PhoneMobile PhoneEmail* Requested Start Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Are there any Family Court Orders regarding the day to day or long term care, welfare and development of the child? Yes No Religious Denomination Catholic N/A Other Please specify other Religious DenominationIf applicable, name of school at which the child is currently or was last enrolledPermanent Resident of Australia? Yes No Please indicate date entered Australia DD slash MM slash YYYY VISA SUB CLASS No.I/we have completed this initial application form to the best of my/our knowledge. I/we are aware that other forms and supporting documents may be required at a later stage: Yes How did you find out about us?Word of mouth/recommendationParishIn the neighbourhoodReferring websiteGoogle searchAdvertisingOtherCAPTCHA